I recently had the opportunity to hear Mr. Ian Landy speak on the topic of ePortfolios. He made a lot of points with which I agreed, or in which I could a least see the merit. Perhaps he simply spoke too much sense, as I have been trying for two weeks now to come up with something I feel is worth saying about the presentation–reasserting allegiance to ideas that are not particularly new has proved to be the opposite of engaging for this blogger. So I have found myself torn between a course requirement to write reflective blog entries and the oft repeated maxim that educators must be authentic and true to themselves. Here, in any case, is a blog post on the subject of ePortfolios:
Key points I agree with: 1) portfolios are a good way for educators to share learning, ideas, and reflection; 2) eportfolios are useful for students since it acquaints them with some of the technical skills they will need in modern society; 3) electronic media are an effective way to share school goings on with parents/families/other educators etc.
Final thought: I generally prefer to read other people’s thoughts once they have cohered somewhat, rather than meander through their entire thought process, but for the writer at least I can see how blogging might be a useful reflective tool. We’ll see how it goes this semester!
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