I recently took part in a tablet themed learning opportunity with Sandra McAulay. The presenter was enthusiastic, and discussed several potentially useful apps, though to this blogger’s eye most appeared better suited to an elementary than a secondary setting. This is not to suggest that tablets, or even some of the apps which were demonstrated, have no place at all in secondary classrooms, but I think this first impression on my part speaks to the difficulty of trying to integrate technology into the classroom taking the technology itself as a starting point. That is to say, when integrating technology into the classroom I suspect it may be easier to start with a learning goal and then find a way to integrate the technology into it. Trying to figure out how I would use tablets in the classroom without having already formed a lesson outline in my mind has been a frustrating intellectual exercise. I think this is a longwinded way of saying that while some interesting ideas were introduced I won’t really know how or if I will be able to utilize them until the opportunity actually presents itself.